The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio (2024)

a a a a a a a a a 16 THE MARION STAR, MARION, OHIO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1958 Around About Marion General Hospital Births (Friday) The Rev. and Mrs. Sherwood Roach, 701 S. Prospect a son. Mr.

and Mrs. James Swihart, 386 Franconia a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cooper, LaRue, a son.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dunbar, 1111 E. Center a son. Mr.

and Mrs. John Dye, 375 Reed a daughter. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. William Sager, a daughter, born today in Passavant Hospital in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swink of 614 Summit and Mr. and Mrs. L.

M. Sager, formerly of Marion and now of Tallahassa, are the grandparents. Specialist 4C. Ray Redd and Mrs. Redd, a son, Ricky Ray, born' Tuesday, in Nov.

Fairbanks, 11, at St. Alaska. Hospital father is stationed at Ladd Air Force Base in Fairbanks. Both parents are graduates of 'LaRue High School. Grandparents are Mr.

and Mrs. Harlie Redd of LaRue and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hosey of Ottawa, Ohio. Wilbur Coon Shoes Four women.

Call 2-6753 evenings or 268 Belmont St. Glenn Fish.Ad. Memorial Spiritualist Church Services, Sunday evening, 7:30 p.m. Mr. William Barber, speaker.

-Ad. Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale at Prospect, Church, Whole hog sausage, mincemeat. Carry-outs starts at 9 a.m.-Ad. Probate Court Marriage Licenses Issued Ronald Scheitler, 20. of 519 Lee St.

and Mary Cochrel, 17, of 496 Smith St. Ralph Green, 24, of 612 E. George St. and Bonnie Lou Evans, 26, of 186 S. Main St.

Thomas Stout, 21, of 1152 Woodbine Ave. and Susan Creviston, 17, of 481 E. Fairground St. You Can't Walk with God While you are running with the Devil. Gravely tractors outperforms all others.

Glenn Walraven, 1415 N. lain Ad. Notice: In due respect to the death of Mr. Perry Strine, husband of Mrs. Dora Strine, our store will be closed all day Monday, Nov.

24. Hines Christian Supply House, 140 S. Main SINCE 1859 AP YOU CAN COUNT ON FOR Values Brand PUMPKIN 4 No. cans 59 Brand Sweet Potatoes 3 No. cans 3 69c Enter General Hospital (Friday) Miss Mary Ann Brady, 586 Henry medical care.

Willard Bennett, 601 Inwood medical care. Michael Rhoades, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rhoades, 594 Patterson medical care. Mrs.

Ralph Chamberlain, 604 Irey surgery, Glenmore Hawkins, 240 Forest medical Wilbur L. Easton, Bellefontaine, medical care. Mrs. Edward Jones, 205 Orchard medical care. Santo Perito, 430 Oak medical care.

Harry Taylor, 131 Charles surgery. Douglas Shelton, 183 Silver medical care. Ansel Gilbert, 845 Cheney medical care. Thomas Oney, near Attica, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Oney, tonsillectomy. Dariene Shaffstall, daughter of Mrs. Freda Shaffstall, 230 E. Washington tonsillectomy. Mrs.

Alfred Clefford, near Marion, surgery. James Hurr, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hurr, 201 E. George tonsillectomy.

All Democrats Both county and Women's Club meet Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 8 p.m. West Town Bank The Plaza Barber Shop Now open for business. Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Ad.

Penney's Ad of Thursday "Girls Taffetized Nylon Blouses" priced at $1.00 should have read "Girls Taffetized Nylon Slips $1.00. -Ad. Angelo's Pizza Monday through Thursday 5:00 p.m. til midnight. Friday and Saturday til 3:00 a.m.

W. Center at Leader. Common Pleas Court Divorces Granted (Addresses as Listed on Petitions) Marie Burke of 188 Franconia St. from Charles O. Burke of 570 Avondale Ave.

Flora H. Williams of 577 S. Vine St. from Harold C. Williams of Marion.

Ruth Ann Romano of Detour, from William Romano of 440 Osgood St. Ruth E. Turner of 461 Osgood St. from Eugene D. Turner of 461 Osgood St.

Turkey Shoot Sunday November 25, 2 p.m. Public welcome. Marion County Fish and Pride of 35 Lodge No. 79, Ladies Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Thanksgiving dinner scheduled for Monday Nov. 24, postponed until further Geran-Thomas Post 3313 Will hold a round and square dance, Saturday, Nov.

22. All members and guests are invited.Ad. New Owners Of the Spot Bar and Grill Bob and Evelyn Hargrave announce the opening of their new ultramodern stainless steel kitchen on Friday, Nov. 21. Specializing in noon lunches, homemade soups and pies with Luella Foreman as day chef and Walter 'Scub" Cox night chef.

Mrs. Hargrave is the former Evelyn Stout of Marion and hopes all her friends will stop and GOLDEN Filberts QUARTERS den Quarters PURE GOLD ALUMINUM WRAPPED 3 Lbs. MRS. FILBERT'S MARGARINE With Coupons WISE'S SUPER MARKET Corner East Center Street and Reed Avenue. MONEY SAVERS lb.

49c 2 lb. lb. 2 Ibs. lb. lb.

lb. 26c Leave General Hospital (Friday) Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell and S. Grand Ave. Mrs.

Ronald Agdanowski son, 1092 Glenwood Dr. Mrs. Roy Blair and son, No. Orton St. Mrs.

Paul Brown and daughter, 49812 Silver St. Mrs. Lloyd Luikart and son, Park St. Mrs. Thurman Madden daughter, 167 Latourette St.

Mrs. Dan Sherrer and son, Bain Ave. Mrs. Carl Taylor and daughter, 764 N. Main St.

Mrs. Kenneth Elwood, 147 ferson St. Mrs. V. E.

Busler, 631 Girard Ave. Mrs. Clayton Brobeck, 565 W. lumbia St. Ella Ward, Selma, Ohio.

Frieda Rarick, Keytown Trailer Camp. Mrs. Robert Mosley, 416 Silver St. Mrs. Abdel Mobley, 365 Thompson St.

Mrs. Jerry Mitchell, 278 E. ter St. Mrs. Florence Mahaffey, 615 ney Ave.

Mrs. Arthur Isler, near Prospect. Mrs. James Hord, near Marion. Chester B.

Morris, 524 N. pect St. Norval Osborn, 364 N. State William O. Dennis, Tiffin.

Everett Cochran, near Marion. John Mann, E. Church Betty Jo Williams, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 0.

Williams, 224 Jefferson St. Margo Christian, daughter of and Mrs. Otis Christian, near wood. Jerald Bishop, son of Mr. Mrs.

Isaac W. Bishop, 326 Pearl Calvin Berry, son of Mr. Mrs. Virgil Berry, 575 Jefferson St. For Sale New and used 45 RPM Records.

Your chaice 25c. Dixon's Novelty, 334 S. State. -Ad. Rummage Sale and Bazaar Eagles Bldg.

Monday Nov. 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Baptist -Ad. C.

M. Bookwalter, Optometrist Office now at 1188 E. Church, ground floor. Hours: 1 to 5 Also Monday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9, Closed Wednesday. Formal Rentals Tony Martin Tuxedos, Dinner Jackets.

Part or complete outfits for weddings and other cial events. Axthelm-Turner, S. Main Round and Square Dancing Tonight at Welcome Inn, on Route Cotton Rugs Washed All types, sizes up to 15x20. thony's, 196 E. Center.

Dial -Ad. Sandar Smorgasbord Bellville, 0. Open Fri. and 5 to 9 P.M. 12 to 7 P.M.

Season ends Dec. For reservations phone TU A New Wife's Expensive You will be much happier the one you now have after has visited us. Gift certificates available, $15, up. Dial Figure Control Studio. 169 W.

-Ad. Thanksgiving Service Scheduled at Richwood RICHWOOD The Richwood churches will hold a united Thanksgiving service Tuesday night, Nov. 25, at 8 p.m. in the First Baptist Church. Ministers participating in the service are the Rev.

Reuben Kyrk, host pastor who will give the call to worship, general thanksgiving and the benediction. The Rev. Albert Kuntzman of Central Methodist Church who will give the Thanksgiving sermon, and the Rev. Roy Ballard of First Methodist Church who will give the Old Testament lesson, an extemporaneous prayer and lead the consecration of the offering. Special music will be presented by the First Baptist Church.

Ahopecial offering will be taken for the Christian Rural Overseas Program. OPEN SUNDAY A.M. till P.M. SMITH'S ROYAL BLUE SUPER MARKET AT CORPORATION LIMITS 1024 NORTH MAIN ST. Darby Quintet Clipped 79-56 By Richwood RICHWOOD Richwood's Tiger cagers invaded Darby's hard- court Friday and came away with a 79-56 victory.

Coach Bill Morrison's lads jumped off to a 26-14 quarter lead, widened the margin to 41-25 at intermission, were in the van 55-36 after three periods and won going away. Getting 15 points in the second quarter, 14 in the third and 24 in the finale, Richwood, winding up with 36 goals and seven free throws, hit on 55 per cent of its shots from the field and 53 per cent from the foul line. Darby, managing 11 points in both the second and third periods, rimmed the Tiger bucket for 20 in the finale, but the tale was already told. The losers wound up with 23 goals and 10 free throws, garnering, along the way, 30 per cent of their goal attempts and 52 per cent of their foul shots. Pacing the Richwood attack were Roger McDaniel, posting 23 points, Steve Robinson, winding up with 19, and Jim Christy, who posted 12.

Meredith was easily the standing player on the Darby five, rolling in 11 goals and a pair of gift shots for 24 points. It was the initial game of the season for Richwood, while by suffered i its first defeat in a pair of starts. RICHWOOD McDaniel 11-1-23; Robinson 8-3- 19; Steirhoff 2-0-4; Foreman 1-0-2; Wasserbeck 4-1-9; Christy 4-0-8; Allgire 5-2-12; Cowgill 1-0-2. DARBY Meredith 11-2-24; Rausch 3-2-8; Walk 4-2-10; Schederer 5-4-14. Richwood 26 41 55 79 Darby 14 25 36 56 Waldo Beaten 49-43 for 2nd Cage Setback Waldo, traveling to Delaware Friday night for a game with the Delaware St.

Mary quintet, lost its second game in three starts this season by a 49-43 count. Coach James Stahl's cagers, experiencing a cold streak the floor in the contest's initial stanza, found themslves down 13-4 at the quarter, were off the pace, 24- 17 at halftime and still five points from a deadlock after three periof action, with Delaware holding a 35-30 advantage. All told, Waldo rolled in 16 goals and 11 free throws for its 43-point total. St. Mary posted 18 completions from the field and 13 at the charity circle.

The losers made good on 11 of 18 free throws for a 61 per cent mark, but managed a paltry 16 of 60 field goals at attempts. Delaware, rimming Waldo buckets for 13 of 26 gift tosses, dumped in 18 of 53 goal attempts. A trio of St. Mary cagers wound up in the double numbers. Welch posted 15, Basfa*gill 13 and Oberle 12.

Waldo's Jim Ward was high for the losers with 13. The reserve fracas went to St. Mary by a 30-10 count. WALDO Dunlap 1-4-6; Dutton 1-1-3; D. Denzer 3-2-8; Ward 5-3-13; Temple 2-0-4; B.

Denzer 4-1-9; Russell 0-0-0. DELAWARE ST. MARY Welch 6-3-15; Maloney 1-0-2; Oberle 3-6-12; Flavin 3-0-6; Basfa*gill 5-3-13; Griffin 0-1-1. Waldo 4 17 30 43 Delaware St. Mary 13 24 35 49 3 BUCYRUS An inexperienced Bucyrus High School cage quintet will I open its 1958-59 season by entertaining Crestline's Bulldogs next Tuesday night.

Only two lettermen are back from last year's squad, which finished the season with an 8-10 record. Returning lettermen are Dave Katterhenrich, 6-2 senior pivotman, and senior guard Bob Clady. Katterhenrich was one of the top scorers in the Northern Ohio League last year. Two other returnees, who saw considerable service with last year's team, are Mike Nealley, a 6-1 senior forward, and Bill Elder, a 5-10 senior, who played both guard and forward. Head Coach Gerald Straley is starting his second year, coming here last year from Marysville.

He is working with a group of about 30 upper class candidates while a predominantly sophom*ore group is under the guidance of Reserve Coach Bob Wolfe. 2 Cage Lettermen Return at Bucyrus Fire Reports (Friday) 7:55 p.m. to Silver St. where Mrs. Susan Montgomery, 61, became ill.

The inhaltor was used five minutes. Lions To Hear Porter L. Otis Porter of the Marion Water Co. will speak on "Marion Water Supply" to members of the Marion Lions Club their meeting Monday noon in Hotel Harding. Carl Meddles will introduce the speaker.

The Lions attendance contest ends Monday. Pleasant Squeezes Past Iberia For 66-58 Overtime Cage Win Pleasant's Panda cagers, ing a rip-roaring non-league hardcourt game Iberia Friday night on the latter's floor, came up with eight points in an overtime period to hand the Iberians a 66- 58 setback. Coaches Stan Kirby's boys, rated title contenders for this season's Marion County League championship, down by a 15-5 count at quarter's end, refused to roll over and play dead as the game wore on and were rewarded with the victory. Pleasant was still trailing, 31-22 at the half, but had knotted the count at 39-39 going into the fourth quarter. Both quintets accounted for 19 points in that final stanza to send the contest into an overtime.

Then, Kirby's lads got tough, scoring eight points while allowing Iberia nary a one to come off with the win handily. Big cog in the Pleasant victory was Jeff Peaco*ck, whose 10 goals Livestock Prices Marion Hogs, market steady, 190-220, 18.75; 220-240, 18.50; 240-260, 18.00; 260-280, 17.50; 280-300, 17.00; good roughs, 16.50 and down; stags, and down. Central Ohio Hogs COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Hog prices in Ohio dropped to an average of $18.45 per hundredweight this week, 65 cents below last week. Prices hit a low of $17.75 to $18.00 Wednesday and closed Friday at the weekly high of $18.50 to $18.75. Sow prices ranged from $15.75 to $17.00.

Eighty-five Ohio interior yards handled 31,770 head this week, compared to 40,140 last week and 44,870 last year. CHICAGO (AP)-(USDA)- Following is a summary of the hog, cattle and sheep markets for the week with estimated receipts for today. Hogs 100; barrows and gilts weak to mostly 25 lower, sows steady. At the close a 45-head lot of closely sorted No 1 and 2 202 lb reached 19.25 with numerous sales No 1 to 3 mixed grades 190- 220 lbs at 18.75-19.00. U.

S. No and 3 mixed grades 200-235 lb weights bulked at 18.25-18.85. No 2 and 3 240-280 lb weights brought 17.75-18.25 with heavier ranging downward to 17.35 for No 3 around 300 lbs. Sows weighing 330- 550 lbs closed at 15.25-17.00. Cattle 100; slaughter steers closed practically steady after recovering most of the price ground lost early in the week.

Fully 15 loads prime stockers and feeders 960-1350 lb slaughter steers 28.10- 28.50, early bulk choice and prime steers 25.00-27.75, late bulk 25.50- 28.00, weights 1150 lbs down largely 26.50 up, high choice and prime 1450 1600 lb beeves 25.50-26.00, comparable grade 1250 -1350 lb steers 26.50-27.50, good steers 24.00- 26.50 according to weight, mixed choice and prime heifers 27.25- 27.60, bulk good to high choice heifers 25.00-27.00, some mixed standard and good heifers 24.50- 24.85, few high commercial and standard cows 21.00-22.50, utility and commercial cows 17.50-20.50, canners and cutters 15.00 18.00, utility and commercial bulls 22.50- 25.25, cutter bulls down to 21.00, good over 1400 lb fat bulls 22.00- 23.00. Late sales good vealers 29.00-32.00, utility and standard grades 19.00-28.00. Sheep none; both wooled and shorn slaughter lambs are fully lower; slaughter ewe prices steady. Good and choice wooled lambs 91-110 lbs ranged between 20.00 and 22.50, few prime at the outset going for 23.25-23.50; cull and utility lambs sold from 16.00- 19.00. Good and choice shorn lambs with mostly No 1 pelts scaling 105- 112 lbs cashed at 20.00-21.00.

Cull to choice slaughter ewes were 6.00-8.00. NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PAROLE Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1958. Gary L. Croy, No.

58123, a prisoner now confined in the Ohio State Reformatory, Marion Mansfield, County, Ohio Case admit- No. 3927, convicted of the crime of Breaking and Entering and serving a sentence of 1-15 years is eligible for hearing before the OHIO PARDON AND PAROLE COMMISSION on or after Jan. 1959. OHIO PARDON AND' PAROLE COMMISSION A. C.

FORSYTH, Parole and Record Clerk Nov. 22,29,1958 six free throws accounted for the game's of 26 points. Fred Tinch was high for the Presidents with 17 points. All told, the Pandas rolled in 24 goals and 18 free throws, compared and 10 for the Iberians. Pleasant, accomplishing the triumph at the foul line, hit on 18 of 30 chances, while Iberia was making good on only 10 of 27.

The decision made it a fine night for Pleasant fans, since the Panda frosh downed Iberia's juniors 46- 33. Jay Newell popped in 14 points for the victors, with Jim Dretzka getting 10 for Iberia. PLEASANT Peaco*ck 10-6-26: Rice 4-2-10; Stone 1-0-2; D. Miller 3-5-11; Baker 0-1-1; B. Miller 0-1-1; Mahaffey 2- 0-4; Farst 4-3-11.

IBERIA 8-1-17; Foust Riddle 6-0-12; 1-0-2: Mauk Prim 3-0-6; 4-6-14; Tinch Durdle 1-0-2; Mort 1-3-5. Pleasant 5 22 39 58 66 Iberia 15 31 39 58 58 Sheep Auction A total of 1,286 sheep was sold by 67 consignors at the weekly sheep auction of the Producers Livestock Cooperative Association held at its Marion yards Friday. summary of Friday's sale lows: Market 75 cents higher than last Monday, very active. Wools, prime 23.50; choice 22.00-23.00; good 20.00-22.00; utility 16.00-18.00; cull 16.00 down; good clip lambs 19.50-20.60; feeder lambs 18.00- 21.90; aged sheep for 3.00-8.20; breeding ewes 10.00- 20.00. Grain Market COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Ohio Dept.

of Agri. cash grain prices: No 2 red wheat strong to two cents higher 1.76-1.83, mostly 1.80-1.82; No 2 yellow ear corn mixed to two cents higher 1.03-1.11 per bu, mostly 1.08-1.10; or 1.50-1.58 per 100 lbs, mostly 1.55-1.57; No 2 oats unchanged mostly No 1 soybeans mostly unchanged to two cents lower 1.87-1.94, mostly 1.90-1.92. Marion Butter fat No. 1 pound .46. No.

2 pound .41. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Elma C. Shearer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Betty Forsyth has been appointed and qualified as Executrix estate of Elma C. Shearer of Marion County, deceased.

Dated at Marion, Ohio, this 18th day of November A. D. 1958. Edward J. Ruzzo.

Probate Judge, Marion County, Ohio Case No. 22784. Nov. 22,29, Dec. 6,1958 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Elizabeth Emma Cox, deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Leslie T. Cox has been appointed and qualified as Executor of 'hate estate of Elizabeth Emma Cox of Marion County, deceased. Dated at Marion, Ohio, this 18th day of November, A. D. 1958.

Edward J. Ruzzo, Probate Judge, Marion County, Ohio Case No. 22787. Nov.22,29, Dec.6,1958 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Carl Fansler, deceased. is hereby given that Leona Fansler has been appointed and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Carl Fansler late of Marion County, deceased.

Dated Marion, Ohio, this 17th day of November A. D. 1958. Edward J. Ruzzo, Probate Judge.

Marion County, Ohio Case No. 22788. Nov.22.29, Dec.6,1958 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of J. F. Stose, deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Donald R. Stose has been appointed' and qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. F. Stose late of Marion County, at deceased. Marion.

Ohio, this 17th day of November A. D. 1958. Edward J. Ruzzo, Probate Judge, Marion County, Ohio Case No.

Nov.22.29. Dec.6,1958 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Schuyler L. Dellinger, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Laura E. Dellinger has been appointed and qualified as Administratrix de bonis non with the will annexed of late the estate of Schuyler L.

Dellinger of Marion County, deceased. Dated at Marion, this 4th day of November A. D. 1958. Edward J.

Ruzzo, Probate Judge. Marion County, Ohio Case No. 22768. Nov. 8.15, 22,1958 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PAROLE Mansfield.

Ohio, Nov. 15. 1958. Gene Dowell, No. 54305, a prisoner now confined in the Ohio State Reformatory, Mnsfield, Ohio, admitted from Marion County, Case No.

3769, convicted of the crime of Forgery, P. and serving a tence of 1-20 years is eligible for a hearing before the OHIO PARDON AND PAROLE COMMISSION on or after Jan. 1, 1959. OHIO PARDON AND PAROLE COMMISSION A. C.

FORSYTH, Parole and Record Clerk Nov. 22.29,1958 Bakery Treats For Thanksgiving Rocker's Famous Turkey BUTTER-COOKIES FRUIT CAKES FRUIT BREAD MINCE PIES PUMPKIN PIES BREADS, ROLLS ROCKER'S BAKERY 428 W. Center St. 159 S. Main St.

WANT ADS DIAL 2-1101 LOCAL WANT AD RATES 1 3 6 Time Times Times Three lines 54c $1.26 $1.80 Each extra line 18c 42c 60c Minimum charge three lines. Ads not offered for consecutive sertions will be charged at the one time rate each time. Renewals of ads that have appeared, cancellations and corrections will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. the day prior to publication. Closing time for all Want Ad Advertising is 5 p.m.

the day prior to publication. (On Mondays and days following Holidays ads will be accepted up to 9:00 a.m.) Errors in want ads will be corrected and an extra insertion given only when notification is made before the second insertion. The publisher reserves the right to edit reject any ads deemed objectionable. Ads ordered for three or six days and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad appeared and adjustment made at the rate earned. THERE is mail in the following boxes: 20, 22, 24, 26, 34, 36, 39, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 60, 63, 66, 68, 71.

WANT AD DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-A-Card of Thanks 1-B-In Memoriams 1-C-Cemetery Lots, Monuments 2-Lodge Notices 3-Special Notices 4-Places To Go 5-Travel and Transportation 6-Lost and Found HELP WANTED 8-Male Help Wanted 9-Female Help Wanted 10-Male and Female Help 11-Situation Wanted 12-Employment Agency 13-Special Instructions BUSINESS SERVICE fol-14-General Business Services 15-Television and Radio 16-Beauty and Bath 17-Cleaning Wet Wash 18 Miscellaneous Rent 19-Painting-Paperhanging 20-Heating-Plumbing-Roofing 21-Jewelry-Watch Repairing 22-Moving -Storing-Packing 23-Building-Modernizing MERCHANDISE 24-A-Gift Suggestions 25-Wearing Apparel 26-Miscellaneous Sales 26-A-Boats-Motors-Sport Equip. 26-B-Do It Yourself 27-Household Goods 28-Musical Instruments 29-Business Equipment 30-Building Supplies 31-Bicycles-Tricycles 32-Food 33-Seeds-Plants-Flowers 34-Auctioneers 35-Public Sales 36-Coal Dealers 37-Coal Hauling 38-Cordwood-Kindling 39-Want to Buy- Trade- -Misc. 40-Dogs-Pets-Supplies FARM STOCK- EQUIPMENT 42-Poultry and Supplies 43-Livestock for Sale 44-Feed-Farm Equipment 45 Farm Produce 47-Wanted Livestock FINANCIAL 48-Bank Services 50-Money To Loan 51-Business Opportunities 52-Wanted to Borrow FOR RENT REAL ESTATE 54-Rooms for Rent 55-Apartments for Rent 56-Houses for Rent 57-Cottages and Resorts Rent 58-Business Property Rent 59-Farms for Rent 60-Garages for Rent 61-Wanted to Rent FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 63-Houses for Sale 64-Lots for Sale 65-Business Property Sale 66-Farms for Sale 67-Cottages and Resorts Sale 68-Out-of-Town Property Sale 69-Wanted to Buy Real Estate AUTOMOTIVE 71-Accessories for Sale 72-Repairs and Service 73-Motorcycles-Motor Scooters 74-Automobile Trailers 75-Trucks-Tractors-Trailers 76-Passenger Cars for Sale 77-Wanted To Buy LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that will be received by the Safety Service Director City of Marion, Ohio, at 685 Delaware Avenue (City Hall) Marion, Ohio. until 12:00 o'clock P.M., on Monday, December 1st, 1958, for the purchase of three (3) Police Cruisers for the City of Marion, Ohio, in accordance with specifications on file in the office of said Safety Service Director. A certified check in the amount $100.00 must accompany each bid a guarantee that if the bid is cepted a contract will be entered into, the delivery of the automobiles will be made and titles transterred the City of Marion on or before the expiration of the thirtieth from the signing of the contract.

Bids must be filed in sealed velopes and "BIDS FOR POLICE CRUISERS." The right is reserved by the to reject any and all bids. Howard W. Travis Safety Service Director Nov.15,22,1958 STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 9 A.M.

to 9 P.M. BIG BEAR Supermarket 245 N. Main St. IN BUCYRUS, OHIO To Our Customers Any evening our Newspaperboys do not leave you a Marion Star-if you will just call the CITY TAXI Washing. ton Sq.

Phone 2-2981 they will bring you a copy right away. THE MARION STAR TO OUR GALION CUSTOMERS We believe our Newspaper: boys give good service, but it any evening they should miss you, please call the Corner Pharmacy 2-1111. They will send you a copy messenger, free of Chaspecia THE MARION STAR Richwood, Ohio Marion Star Customers Any evening our Newspaperboys do not leave you paper, if you will call R. W. Jolliff at ISALY'S.

Phone 9581 he will bring you a copy right away. The Marion Star 1-C-Cemetery Lots--Monuments Houpt Monument Co. 132 S. High St. 2-LODGE NOTICES Spend a delightful evening among friends at the club rooms.

Marion Shrine No. 15 White Shrine of Jerusalem. Stated meeting Monday, Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m. Program.

Refreshments. Helen Stayner, W.H.P. Ralph L. Harruff, W.O.S. 3- SPECIAL NOTICES and 24, Trinity daily.

Dial White SO180 south An2-1113. Sunday 21. Bellville with she 2-8524. Cen- ROOF COATING Make sure, it has Gov't. specifications.

No tar! With or without fibre, $3.49 for 5 gal. WILHELM'S WALLPAPER AND PAINT STORE 158 N. Main. Dial 2-1915. We Insure Everything JOHN H.

MILLS 783 Bellefontaine Ave. Dial 2-1012. TRUCK RENTALS Vans Pickup Lloyd's Marathon Service 762 E. Center. Dial 3-1288.

Kincaid Insurance Agency FOR General and Life Insurance Service HY9-2421 La Rue, Ohio. MARION BUSINESS COLLEGE Dial 2-0454 or 3-2221. KIDDIE KARE STATE LICENSED Day Nursery and Kindergarten 374 Windsor. Dial 2-3207 Nationwide Insurance 365 S. State 2-9706 Home Office, Columbus, 0.

Hollyday Rug Co. 2-5296 Cleaning, cizing, mothproofing, ing, repairing. 306 E. Mark. Rawleigh Products 118 Brenner Ct.

Dial 3-1992. $50 REWARD for information leading to the identity of the party who broke a window at 327 Clinton St. Positively No Trespassing At The Marion Speedway General Insurance Douce Inc. 122 N. State St.

3-1113 Floyd Burtch 3-1097 Glenn H. Keller 3-1032 Gene Cooper La Rue HY 9-3781 Lowell Douce, Caledonia 2612 HI-TEST GAS 26.9c. Certified Oil Co. 502 W. Center.

Hearing Aids 12 ZENITH MODELS Loeffert-Coile. 2-0068. NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PAROLE Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1958. Richard L.

Stansberry, No. 58217, a prisoner now confined in the Ohio State Reformatory, Mansfield, Ohio, admitted from Marion County, Case No. 3955, convicted of the crime of Forgery, Utt Forg Inst. and serving a sentence of 1-20 years is eligible for a hearing before the OHIO PARDON AND PAROLE COMMISSION on or after Jan. 1, 1959.


29c With $3.00 Meat Purchase OLEO 3 Young Beef or Pork LIVER Young Beef CLUB STEAK Boneless Beef STEW Sliced Ends BACON COTTAGE PORK STEAK Sugar Cured, Hickory Smoked Sliced BACON U. S. No. 2 POTATOES -Full 10 lb. JACKSON'S KROGER STORE HOURS! MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY 9 A.M.


The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio (2024)
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Article information

Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6673

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.