The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio (2024)

PAGE 19 THE MARION STAR, MARION, OHIO MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1953 Jordan Possible Answer Seton Hall Credits Win Rules Makers Move Against Fast Whistle Exhibtion Baseball Scores By The Associated Press Sunday's Results Cincinnati 4, Boston (A) 2 Chicago (N) 8, Chicago (A) 3 Cleveland 3, New York (NJ 2 Detroit 9. Boston (N) 6 New York '(A) 4, Brooklyn 1 Detroit Looking Up But Pitching Talent Scarce To Defense NEW YORK MB The finals of the National Invitation Tournament in Shire, Swenski In Event at Armory Roy Shire and Johnny Swenski will be matched in the main event of the Wednesday night wrestling card at the armory, promoter Les Fishbaugh announced today. The pair will fight it out for two out of three falls over a 60-minute time limit. Jules LaRance and Nick Roberts will be meeting in the semi final bout. That event also will be for 60 minutes and two out of three falls.

Charro Aztec and Jim Lewis have been signed for the 30-minute Maglie. He also yielded both other which Seton Hall defeated St. Cleveland tallies. Changes Expected This Week To Cut Number of Fouls John's of Brooklyn, 58-46, came somewhat as a relief to those fans Philadelphia 'A) 7, Washington 1 St. Louis (A) 2, San Francisco (PCD 0 St.

Louis (N) 3, Philadelphia (N) 1 By ED CORRIGAN AP Sportswriter They can't go any lower this year, so the Detroit Tigers, an inept crew last year, are looking who prefer a well knit defense to The Philadelphia A's, with rookies Ed Monahan, Bill Harrington and Ed Hrabcsak toiling on the mound, whipped the Washington the helter skelter style that so often marks modern day basketball. Offensively, Seton Hall's top- KANSAS CITY UP) The rules makers are plotting Senators, 7-1, in Orlando. The A's in the only possible direction Finals Set Wednesday broke a 1-all deadlock with five runs in the seventh. against the big man and the ref-j upward, In Jr. High Tournament eree's fast whistle.

With all their "ifs," the biggest Bob Rush, top operative on the They're getting a good earful of Chicago Cubs' pitching staff, gave seeded Pirates did not play their usual fine game. And the Redmen from Brooklyn never could get going. But the largest Madison Square Garden basketball turnout on record, 18,496, saw a tense struggle in up only one hit in five innings and gripes against the so-called one got credit for an 8-3 decision over Finals of the county junior high opener. Aztec is the heavyweight school basketball tournament are champion of Mexico. The opener scheduled Wednesday night at Wal-'will get under way at 8:30.

do. Pleasant and Caledonia go in the' h. named for the the Chicago White Sox. Joe Dob- and one" rule but don't count this regulation out when the official book is reworded here this week. son was no great shakes for the of whom is Hal Newhouser, Manager Freddie Hutchinson has had to hunt for talent all over the lot, and he has come up with a pitcher who has looked good in two appearances.

Milt Jordan is the hurler. On his first outing less than a week ago, he went three innings against the which defense played a major role. Sox and was reached for seven championship game at 8:30 p.m. As a matter of fact. Coach Hon Coaches from throughout the hits in four innings.

ey Russell of Seton Hall attributed STADIUM MAY BE BROWNS NEW HOME. This airview of the Baltimore Memorial Stadium was made just before construction was completed and is essentially the park into which the St. Louis Browns will move if their efforts to move their franchise are approved by the American League owners. The park now seats 40,000 persons and will seat 65,000 after further work is completed this summer. former Ohio State star.

Grate 18 training with Chattanooga of the Southern Association. The consolation game at 7:30 p.m. pits Green Camp against Claridon. With Stu Miller hurling six inn Saturday night's triumph mainly country held a five-hour prelimin to defense. ings, the bt.

Louis Cardinals de ary screening session here Sunday Cincinnati Reds and received cred Here is The Associated Press all- feated the Philadelphia Phillies, night at which these were the chief GRATE RESIGNS COLUMBUS. O. UP) Don Grate, 3-1, at St. Petersburg, while at star team for the tournament: topics of conversation: Tampa. Ernie Nevel and Eddie Forwards: Dick Ricketts of Du- The newest player representative in the American League is Ted Gray, recently named by the Tigers to succeed Fred Hutchinson who became their manager.

Westerville High School basketballs 1. The "one and one" rule which Blake pitched the Cincinnati Reds it for a 7-3 decision. Then Saturday, he tossed five scoreless innings against the St. Louis Cardinals, a tough bunch of customers-So young Milt, who labored in quesne and Richie Regan of Seton Newark Draws Girard gives a player victim of a common coach, resigned Sunday to pursue a professional baseball career. No to a 4-2 victory over the Boston foul two chances to make one bas Red Sox.

Hall; Center: Walt Dukes, Seton Hall. Guards: Dick Duckett of St John's and Larry Costello of ket until the last three minutes of Buffalo last year, has been in The Pittsburgh pirates were idle Cream of State's Cage the game when he gets two shots volved in two of the Tigers six bu tgot their best news in some regardless. The common foul is one Grapefruit League triumphs, and, time when Ralph Kiner, the club's committed when not in the act of incidentally, two of the three well- home run slugger, ended his two- shooting and which before this sea Crop Prep For Finals Ditched earnes the Bengals have Cean-ciit week holdout siege by agreeing to had. the terms originally offered him son incurred only one free throw. 2.

Widening of the free throw lane from six to 12 feet to meet They've been hitting, but their Kiner, who earlier in the day pitchers haven't been showing said he was "hurt and baffled" by By FRITZ HOWELL COLUMBUS, O. UPi Two of Ohio's high school basketball teams Is a clogged cooling system jeopardizing the perform-ance of your car? Better let us take a look at it anyway. Better be safe than sorry! Olympic regulations. The pros also 22, and Findlay 32-23 scores which appear puny when compared with the high counts of today's fire-wagon game. Each of the eight coaches took 'i about 1,300 tickets back home to-! day for Friday's semi finals.

Tick-' ets for the finals go on sale to the well. Their record to date is 6-2, the latest blast from General man Middletown, which has played four games in the gardens this season, passed up a chance for a pre-tourney practice session, but the other schools selected Thursday highly respectable, but the Detroit ager Branch Rickey in the pair's are only two victories- away today have a 12-foot lane. 3. A written directive in the rule book to officials that they use judg hurlers have given up 37 runs in running argument, announced his from the state championship. Four Class A and four Class the eight games, or about 4.50 per one-hour workouts at: Mariemont, decision just 30 minutes before the Higdon's Gulf Service ment in calling fouls and that they March 15 deadline set by Rickey.

noon or 7 p. Canfield, 1 p. game schools after Friday's contests, but quintets meet Friday in Cincin Fhone 2-4523 not make a call on a play not af Corner State and Church They licked the Boston Braves The general manager had said Newark, 2 p. Holgate, 3 p. nati's Gardens to decide fecting the game or not giving one yesterday, 9-6, on a couple of home Philo, 4 p.

Cleveland St. Ig negotiations would start all over you must have a stamped semifinal stub to turn in to get a ducat for the big show. the finalists for Saturday's clashes. player an unfair advantage. runs in the ninth inning by Rufus if Kiner failed to agree in time, And no matter which two win, they Crawford and Johnny Bucha, each Although he was cut from his natius, fp.

m. and Girard, 6 p. m. Coach Paul Walker of the Middies explained the no-practice de with one man on base. Newhouser reported $90,000 pay of last year, will have done it the hard way.

For each team still in the running, 133 are on the sidelines. The Mariemont, making its first appearance in the state finals, won and Ned Garver, who took over Kiner is expected to receive just cision with: New Shipment in the sixth, were tapped for 12 under $76,000. He has said all along "We've played four games there four Class A clubs are survivors hits. Bill Bruton hit Newhouser's Harrison Ties Record At St. Petersburg ST.

PETERSBURG, Fla. UP Big Dutch Harrison hung a record-matching 266 on the scoreboard he was willing to take a cut after this year. We don't care to see the of a starting field of 262. The first pitch in the first "inning for batting only .244 last year-even the Class baseball championship; in 1945, and the track title in 1949. The competing teams get $1.50 per mile (one way) traveling ex-1 pense, $2 per meal, $3 per night, era mim quartet was among 804 in the orig a home run.

though he did hit 37 homers but place until Friday night, and again Saturday, we hope." The Class A finals are at 8 p. m. Satur The two World Series rivals, the he and Rickey couldn't agree on inal field. The coaches met here Sunday to Sunday to win the $10,000 St. Pe New York Yankees and the Brook $995 Army Fatigue Pants in herring bone day, with the Class playoff tilt and $125 bonus per game played, the size of the cut.

Kiner said he would leave im make first round pairings, and they lyn Dodgers, went at it again in at 2 p. m. tersburg Open Golf tournament in a drama packed finish. The drawling "Arkansas Travel Lrame onctals get 5ou per game and 15 cents a mile, one way. twill Big Patch Pockets.

Sizes 28 to 42, also children's sizes. Ideal for (j Miami, and Casey Stengel's men mediately for the Pirates Havana came out on top, 4-1, to take the training camp. work or scuff pants! came out like this: Class A Friday, 7 p. m. Girard 22-4 vs Newark 20-4.

Friday 8:30 p. m. Cleveland er covered tne last 18 holes in PATTY BERG WINS 66, five under par for the Pasa odd game of a three-game set. Vic Raschi, Allie Reynolds and Ewell Blackwell, all making their first dena Municipal Course, then Mac Schaffer of Ottawa, who has officiated every state meet for a decade or so, again was named by the coaches to handle Class A games. No other official has approached his tenure.

With him will lounged in the locker room while St. Ignatius 19-2 vs Middletown 22- appearances, handcuffed the Brooks. AUGUSTA, Ga. UP) Patty Berg ran away from a high caliber field to capture Sunday her fifth titleholders, finishing nine strokes ahead of runnerup Betsy Rawls of Spartanburg, S. C.

She took a two Hockey Results NATIONAL Boston 2, Montreal 1 New York 1, Toronto 1 Detroit 0, Chicago 0 AMERICAN Cleveland 6, St. Louis 1 a pair of hot St. Petersburg pros-Chick Harbert and Dick Mayer-made a great but futile effort to Duane Pillette and Harry Bre- 2. Class Friday, 1:30 p. m.

Philo 26-3 vs Canfield 27-1. be Pete Amico of Cleveland. Bill 132 N. HAI1I ST. cheen combined for one of the best catch him.

pitching jobs so far in San Fran Hoskett of Dayton, and Clyde Hall of Masury. Handling the Class games will Harbert, who shot his second 64 stroke lead the first day with a pari cisco when the St. Louis Browns Friday, 3 p. m. Holgate 25-2 vs Mariemont 23-2.

72 and increased the margin every round. be Ed Meyer of Deer Park, Rob ATlOHALVnmr ert Hipp of Kenton, John Russ of of the tournament, just one stroke off the course record held by Jim Turnesa, and Mayer wound up in a second-place tie at 267. Harrison, playing out of Ard- The only repeaters from 1952 are shut out the local club, 2-0. Pil- lette gave up only two hits in the first five innings while Brecheen tossed hitless ball for the last four. The Cleveland Indians needed a Providence 4, Buffalo 2 EASTERN New Haven 4, Washington 0 Johnstown 6, Springfield 5 INTERNATIONAL Troy 3, Grand Rapids 0 Youngstown, and Joe Muchek of CLEVELAND FANS READY wnXJr (series home run from Larry Dobv to Benwood, W.

Va. Each competing coach selected one official, but the officials cannot handle sem-final games for the coach who named Middletown's defending champions and Cleveland St. Ignatius, and for the second straight year they drew each other as first round foes. Last season Middletown ousted the Celvelanders 56-42. more, was 18 strokes under par for the distance as he equalled the record for the 19-year-old stands 2-2) score a 3-2 victory over the New CLEVELAND Oft St.

Ignatius High School put 1,200 tickets to the state basketball tournament on sale today. The Cleveland team is one of four finalists who will play at York Giants. The biff blow came: Cincinnati 6, Toledo 1 (Cincinnati them. Bill Zinser of Cincinnati was of ace Giant right-hander Sal' leads 3-1) named as "emergency" official, in Cincinnati. case a whisue-tooter is incapaci tated.

Built to power today's Higher Compression Engines tin rui Cleveland St. Ignatius has the largest enrollment of boys (825) in the tournament. The other Class A teams have: Middletown 608, Newark 432, and Girard 229. The male enrollment in Class is: Mariemont 140, Philo 136, Canfield 139, and Holgate 79. (Dividing line between the classes is 150.) Of the coaches, only Walker of Middletown is a product of an out-of-state college.

He's from Eastern Kentucky. The others, with their college, are: St. Ignatius, John Wirtz of Dayton. Girard, George Light of Heidelberg; Newark, Max Douglas of Denison; Holgate, Richard Krauss of Findlay; Philo, Paul Jackson of Ohio State; Canfield, F. S.

McLaughlin of Hiram, and Mariemont, Normal Kusel of Miami. rv pill pi I Ik at this NEW Jk, liillMv I Give iWIMlPS. PRICE ymBMMi! AII R. Newark's 20-4 record is the poorest boasted by the survivors but don't sell the Wildcats short. Back in 1936 they won only five of 18 regular season games, but romped to the state title as they caught fire at tournament time.

In the state meet that year Newark nosed out Cincinnati Elder, 25-24, Akron South 30-25, Bridgeport 32- igliesf Mi-hiodt ever offered by Sunoco Most Miles Per Gallon ever achieved by Sunoco Engineers FREE ESTIMATES We are prepared to make estimates on any type of plumbing or heating repair work or supplies that we have in stock. No 1 rentes? Power and Pick-up I WWW I-W ever delivered by Blue Sunoco I New Timing Gear New Pistons, Pins and Rings Za 2) Plus Taxes Models Ifff New Rod Bearings New Crankshaft Bearings Radio News "Sunoco 3-Star P.M., Mon. le Stations New Clutch Dise xm New Pressure Plate 8 Cylinder Installed Includes Labor, Gaskets and Oil. Exchange Basis 'New Pilot Bearing As Little As per month on our service budget plan mm 2 '70 down 14.75 '49 lo '52 Models New Throw-out Bearing Rebuilt Carburetor Rebuilt Distributor 8 Spark Plugs Fan Belt Generator Belt Clean Radiator $250 Sixes Priced Correspondingly Low Radiator Hose against any defect in workmanship and material for 4,000 miles or 90 days. GUARANTEED and Clamps Offer Good Until April 1st Talk It Over Befort You Tell Us To Go Ahead After we have carefully stud-died the job you want done we make a very conservative estimate of the work involved, and the cost of the materials.

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The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio (2024)
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