45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (2024)

There are many different Types of Squash, including winter squash, ornamental squash, and summer squash. Squash is a type of plant from the Cucurbitaceae family, but not all squash are alike. Gourds and pumpkins come from the same family, while pumpkin is actually a different kind of squash.

Summer squashes are the most common, including zucchini, crookneck squash, and scallop squash. Winter squashes such as pumpkins, turban squash, Red Kuri squash, Butternut squash and Spaghetti squash are typically harvested in the late autumn.

Summer squash varieties can be eaten raw, but winter squash should always be cooked.

This article contains information about the various types of squashes, including winter varieties and summer squashes. See pictures of each type with descriptions in this comprehensive list.

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (1)
⬇️ Table of Contents
  • Acorn Squash
  • Ambercup Squash
  • Banana Squash
  • Big Max Squash
  • Bonbon Squash
  • Buttercup Squash
  • Butternut Squash
  • Calabaza Squash
  • Carnival Squash
  • Chayote Squash
  • Chilacayote Squash
  • Cousa Squash
  • Crookneck Squash
  • Cushaw Squash
  • Delicata Squash
  • Dickinson Squash
  • Eight Ball Squash
  • Fortune Squash
  • Guatemalan Blue Squash
  • Gold Rush Squash
  • Green Egg Squash
  • Honey Bear Squash
  • Hubbard Squash
  • Honeynut Squash
  • Kabocha Squash
  • Lebanese Squash
  • Long Island Cheese Pumpkin
  • Naples Long Squash
  • Red Kuri Squash
  • Parador Squash
  • Papaya Pear Squash
  • Pattypan Squash
  • Pumpkin Squash
  • Red Warty Thing Squash
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Sunshine Kabocha Squash
  • Sweet Dumpling Squash
  • Squash Blossoms
  • Tatume Squash
  • Tromboncino Squash
  • Turban Squash
  • Yellow Squash
  • Yokohama Squash
  • Zephyr Squash
  • Zucchini Squash

Acorn Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (2)

Acorn squashis a round type of winter squash with a hard exterior. It gets its name from its acorn-like shape. The interior of the squash is orange and filled with seeds. It can be consumed either cooked or raw and is a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin A.

Acorn squash also has a variety of culinary uses. It can be baked, boiled, steamed, and sauteed. Acorn squash flesh tastes similar to that of butternut and delicata squashes.

Ambercup Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (3)

Ambercup squash, also known as the Japanese pumpkin 'Ambercup', is a type of Kabocha. It has medium green skin and matures to 4-6 pounds when fully grown.
This winter squash can be eaten raw or cooked. It's unique in the fact it is delicious either way. The flesh resembles an autumn leaf with small wrinkles along its surface, which gives way for rich orange seeds commonly found within these varieties.

Banana Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (4)

Banana squashis cylinder-shaped and light pinkish-orange in color. They are available year-round but considered in season during the Fall and winter. It can grow up to 3 feet long with thick skin discarded before eating or cooking; only the flesh is edible. Also known as the pink banana squash.

Big Max Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (5)

Big Max squash is a large variety of pumpkins that can exceed 100 pounds (45 kg) and 20 inches in diameter under ideal growing conditions. They are often bright orange with fine-grained, yellow-colored flesh to be 3 or 4 inched thick! The skin is deeply ribbed, making them good for storing as well.

Bonbon Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (6)

The flavor of Bonbon squash is something you will want to experience for yourself. It is sweet, but not too much so that it does not taste good compared to other types like buttercup or traditional varieties! The plant itself has shorter stems and fruits set more quickly than most others.

Buttercup Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (7)

Buttercup squashhas orange flesh and green skin. Excellent to puree for making soup. It is also often sliced and roasted for a delicious side dish. Buttercup squash can be found in your local supermarket year-round, but they are at their best from September through December. Buttercup squash can be found on the produce aisle or with other winter squashes like butternut.

Butternut Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (8)

Butternut squashis usually harvested in the Fall when it is very large. Butternut squash is a winter squash that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It has vibrant orange skin and a nutty, sweet flavor. Butternut squash can be cooked and eaten by removing its skin, seeds and chopping it into pieces.

To cook, cut the squash in half and place face down on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius) or until slightly softened.

Calabaza Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (9)

Calabaza squash comes in many different sizes and shapes. It has an exterior skin that is hard, like a melon or watermelon but with vertical ridges to make the fruit look more impressive when mature. These squashes can also be multi-colored depending on how they were grown - some varieties only come out of one color, while others show varying shades from green through yellow-orange colors before turning brown.

Carnival Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (10)

Carnival squashhas green and orange specks that make them look like they are having a party, and they taste great too. They have a sweet flavor with hints of buttery goodness, perfect for fall dishes, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Their texture is smooth but not mushy, which means they can stand up to roasting or grilling, unlike other squashes.

Chayote Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (11)

Chayote squash has been a type of squash around for centuries, but it only recently started catching on in America. When cooked, the chayote or mirliton has a similar flavor and consistency to other summer squashes but with one key difference: its inner core, which can be eaten raw (it tastes very much like traditional summer squash).

Chilacayote Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (12)

Chilacayote squash, also named Cucurbita ficifolia or fig-leaf gourd, is a type of squash grown for its edible seeds and fruit. It has many common names in English, such as black seed squash, but it does not hybridize readily with other types within this genus like pumpkins do because they are closely related to each other while showing considerable biochemical difference from them, too; therefore creating new breeds/species through selective breeding efforts specifically designed around specific traits desired by farmers.

Cousa Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (13)

Cousa squash has thin skin and sweet flavor, but it also has an extra bulbous bud end due to its traits being closer related to zucchini than other types like pumpkin or Hubbard squash do. These squashes do not taste too strong, making them perfect additions if you are looking for healthy ways to spice up your dishes.

Crookneck Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (14)

Crookneck squashis a winter squash of the species Cucurbita pepo. The squash has distinctive ridges that give it a crookneck appearance where the blossom end curves somewhat like a bow and arrow, hence its common name. Crookneck squashes are most commonly found in yellow or light green shades but may also be orange.

Cushaw Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (15)

Cushaw squash is a winter squash originally from Mexico. It is also known as the Japanese pie pumpkin or cushaw pumpkin. This annual herbaceous plant produces flowers and shoots harvested for their nutritional value, but it is most famous because its seeds can be used in sauces to flavor dishes.

Delicata Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (16)

Delicata squashis a cylinder-shaped variety with thin green stripes through its ridges. The skin does not need to be peeled before cooking, so this type of squash will always have an advantage when it comes down to taming those stubborn seeds!

Dickinson Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (17)

The Dickinson pumpkin is an American heirloom winter squash long in shape and has dense flesh. Dickinson pumpkins are an iconic symbol of Fall. The first seeds were brought to Illinois by Elijah Dickinson from Kentucky in 1835. The squash has tan-colored rind and weighs between 10-14 pounds. Most commonly grown in Illinois but can also be found across the midwest at temperatures around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Eight Ball Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (18)

Eight ball squash are small green, tender squash. These delightful little ball-shaped vegetables grow in size similar to an eight ball table tennis rally pinball machine! The smaller they get the more delicious

Fortune Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (19)

Fortune squash is a variety of yellow-colored vegetables typically grown for their rich, golden color and exquisite taste. This summer fruit has an exceptionally early harvest time compared to other varieties.

Guatemalan Blue Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (20)

Guatemalan blue squash is a large, elongated fruit that can weigh up to 10 pounds. The surface of these squashes is smooth and hard, with an oblong shape tapering towards curved ends.

Gold Rush Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (21)

Gold Rush squash is a delicious, mild-flavored variety of summer squash. It has yellow skin with dark green stems and white flesh that's great for eating raw or steamed.

Green Egg Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (22)

Green eggs hybrid squash is a perfect choice for summer dining. The deep green skin and bushy vines make this variety more versatile than other types of zucchini.

Honey Bear Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (23)

Honey bear squash is a delicious variation of the traditional acorn variety. The skin has been bred to be ultra-sweet and tender, making it perfect for baking with its rich flavor that you can even detect in each half serving size! Powdery mildew is no match for these plants! They are super easy to grow and will thrive in your garden.

Hubbard Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (24)

Hubbard squashis delicious but challenging squash to cook with? Consider the Hubbard. Its tough skin makes it hard to cut, and you will need to crack into it before cooking. Once you do, however, the sweet flavor is perfect for soup or pureeing/mashing. Hubbard squash grows up to 15 pounds on average.

Honeynut Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (25)

Honeynut squashlooks like mini-butternut, and that is exactly what it is. Honeynut is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, making it an exciting new addition to the culinary world. It has a richer and sweeter flavor because it is more concentrated into a smaller size. -The seed cavity is much smaller than a typical pumpkin or butternut squash, so there is less waste when cutting up the fruit. -The skin is thinner than butternut squash.

Kabocha Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (26)

Kabocha squashis a smaller, green-skinned variety with a buttery flavor similar to butternut and acorn squash. Sliced, it is a popular ingredient in vegetable tempura.

Kabocha squash exterior skin is edible as well.

Lebanese Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (27)

In the right conditions,Lebanon squashplants produce immense crops of delicious fruit. On average, they are harvesting 15 fruits per plant. Pick them when they're young and tender, or allow them to bulk up for stuffing.

photo courtesySan Diego Seed Company

Long Island Cheese Pumpkin

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (28)

Long Island cheese pumpkin, also known as Cucurbita Moschata is one of the oldest pumpkins cultivated in America. Well suited for this region’s climate because it has a short growing season and can grow at higher elevations than other types.

Long Island Cheese Pumpkins are unique in that they're five to ten pounds and each plant yields two or three squash.

Naples Long Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (29)

The delicious and sweet-tasting Naples Long pumpkins are an heirloom from Italy. These giant pumpkins can weigh up to 35 pounds, with a beautiful green exterior and bright orange flesh making them one of the most sought-after varieties for growers.

Red Kuri Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (30)

Red Kuri squashshares the same squash family as Hubbards. Red Kuri is deep red-orange, making it one of the more vibrant varieties available. Like most squash varieties, best when roasted, cooked on the grill or baked to bring out the great flavor.

Parador Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (31)

The parador vine produces a squash with a velvety yellow color and small ridges that tilt at an angle. These summer delicacies grow fast, making them perfect for your garden or dinner table!

Papaya Pear Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (32)

Papaya pear squash is a little summer squash with an unusual shape that's reminiscent of tropical fruits. It has yellow skin, which may sometimes with green speckles on it, depending upon where the fruit was grown in relation to varieties like ' Banner.' Papaya pear-shaped squashes have a slightly sweet taste and can be eaten raw on sandwiches, cooked up for grilling, or sliced into salads.

Pattypan Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (33)

Pattypan squashis a round type of summer squash with a scalloped edge. It is a good source of vitamin C and B6 and potassium. Pattypan squash can be eaten raw or cooked. It is best to cook it by roasting, baking, or sautéing. Pattypan squash can also be used in soup, stir-fry, and casserole dishes. It is a versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed all year round.

Pumpkin Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (34)

Pumpkin squashis a winter squash. It is a smooth, dark orange-skinned fruit typically large in size. The fruit has a thick, hard shell and is filled with stringy pulp and seeds. Pumpkin squash has a sweet, earthy flavor and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Pumpkin squash is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. It can be eaten cooked or raw and is often used in soups, stews, and curries. Pumpkin squash can also be roasted or mashed. When cooked, the skin will soften and the flesh will become creamy.

Red Warty Thing Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (35)

Red Warty Thing Squash skin is thick, hard, and vibrant red in color with finely textured flesh that tastes sweet. The rind is very hard, so it will keep for a long time without going bad or getting mushy. One of the Red Warty Thing Squash parents is Red Hubbard squash, which means it is an excellent substitute in any recipe calling for red hubbard squash as an ingredient!

Spaghetti Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (36)

Spaghetti squashhas been steadily rising in popularity in recent years. It is a low-calorie, gluten-free, and vegetarian ingredient that can be used as an alternative to traditional noodles or kinds of pasta.

Spaghetti squash is a member of the winter squash family, and it has a very distinct shape and color. It can range from four to six inches in length and two to four pounds in weight. The exterior is bumpy, with broad yellow stripes running down its sides.

Sunshine Kabocha Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (37)

Sunshine Kabocha squash is scarlet red color and pleasant taste, this squash is a great addition to your garden. The high Brix score makes it an even more valuable commodity as there are few vegetables that can measure up!

Sweet Dumpling Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (38)

Sweet Dumpling squashis a small, sweet squash with green color. It has a mild flavor and weighs less than 1 lb.

Sweet dumpling squash is a small whitish-yellow squash with green coloring. As the name implies, it usually weighs less than one pound and has a sweet flavor. Roast or steam them or add them to soups.

Squash Blossoms

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (39)

Squash blossomscan be fried or sauteed, stuffed with cheese or other fillings, grilled over an open flame, baked whole in a casserole dish, or layered into lasagna.

Squash blossoms are the flowers that bloom on squash plants. They can be fried or sauteed, stuffed with cheese or other fillings, grilled over an open flame, baked whole in a casserole dish, or layered into lasagna.

Tatume Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (40)

Tatume squash is a type of winter vegetable unique because it can be harvested in its immature form as summer squash or a fully grown winter variety. They grow more like winter squash, with dark green skin on top but light underneath where they have thin white flesh close to the seeds.

Tromboncino Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (41)

Tromboncino squash is one of the most unique squash varieties around. Taking after its Italian namesakes, this elongated and curvy heirloom looks just like green zucchini when it is fresh off the vine--but do not let that fool you. This tubby-looking thing can get up to 3 feet long if left unbraided or twisted into knots before being harvested. Mature forms stay good for months rather than weeks. Its nutty flavors make them perfect as side dishes with almost any meal throughout all seasons.

Turban Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (42)

Turban squashis a type of pumpkin that grows up to six pounds. It looks like a pumpkin with another small pumpkin growing out of its head with a unique appearance. Turban squash has green or orange stripes, white polka dots on some of its segments. Turban squash is part of the same family as kabocha, buttercup, and Hubbard squashes, yet it has a milder flavor.

Yellow Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (43)

Yellow squashis a fruit and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and the genus Cucurbita. The cucurbits include other vegetables like pumpkins and cucumbers.

Yellow squash is also called summer squash because the plant has a short lifespan, usually surviving for about 50 days. The plant can grow anywhere from 1–8 feet tall, depending on the variety of yellow squash.

Some varieties of yellow squash are better suited for eating fresh, while others are best for cooking or preservation.

Yokohama Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (44)

The unique-looking Yokohama squash is a pumpkin with grey skin and ridges. It was named after the city of Yokohama, Japan which was one of America's first ports that opened up to US travelers during colonial times! Despite its unusual appearance, this delicious vegetable tastes very familiar inside out - you can use it for all your winter squashes needs.

Zephyr Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (45)

Zephyr squashis a type of winter squash that is named for its delicate, satiny texture. This variety of squash has light green skin and creamy orange flesh. It is a relative of the butternut squash and shares many of the same characteristics.

The zephyr squash is a relatively new variety introduced in the early 1990s. Zephyr was created by combining acorn squash and butternut squash.

Zucchini Squash

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (46)

Zucchini squashis a winter squash that is cylindrical in shape. The fruit is picked while immature and any features of flowers or seeds can be seen on the skin. Zucchini squash is a member of the cucurbit family.

In Britain, it is known as marrow squash, courgette or vegetable marrow. In Australia, it is sometimes called zuke. In Canada, it is often referred to as summer squash or courgetti. In New Zealand, it is often called zucchini.

45 Types of Squash | A-to-Z | Photos (2024)
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